Check Your Engine

We’re here to help you help yourself be found, with a focus on small business and a do it yourself program. We’ll train you to optimize your own site in small steps so it’s not overwhelming.

Get FREE SEO Technical Audit

The first step in SEO is always improving your site technically.

Guided SEO

We created this product as a way to help the local community with SEO needs.  It’s designed with the needs of a small business in mind. If your business has created it’s own website. 

You’ll get a long term SEO plan broke down in to accompishable weekly tasks. You’ll receive, both technical and content related tasks each week that will move you in the direction of optimized. 

This is a year long program, where you will see growth over the course of the year with reporting each week and constant monitoring.


Available Spots


Increased Traffic

Satisfied Clients

This is a long slow and steady program! That if followed will see results.

SEO isn’t really secret. You can find the information free of charge. You can listen to podcasts of seasoned professionals. You can subscribe to your own statistics. 

All that is overwhelming though and you might want a step by step plan that is spreadout for you to not be overwhelming. That is what I do. I’ve put together a year long program to get your site optimized. It’s all customized to your sites specific needs. There will be elements of all areas of optimization sprinkled in over the course of a year as well as content suggestions targetting specified keywords.

You’ll get custom detailed reports weekly so you can track your own progress and see the results for yourself.

Our Blog

There is so much information about SEO that it’s not a mystery. We wade through all that information to get to the guts of the story. Here are a few of our opinions. 

Many Maintenance Emails are Scams

Many Maintenance Emails are Scams

As a business owner we are inundated with weird emails, and one of them that you might get frequently is one that says your website is not updated and you desperately need this service to maintain your business website. Yes, you should be maintaining your business...

Never Beat the Algorithm – Don’t Try

Never Beat the Algorithm – Don’t Try

Here is just a quick post. I've been neglecting this site a bit. It's funny because I'm so busy working on the SEO for my clients that I don't really work on my own site that much. This site is a bit of a novelty for me. I also am Advanced Cross Stitch, that is my...

No Wiki As External Authority Link

No Wiki As External Authority Link

I'm reading some of Diggity Marketing, marketing materials. one of them is an SEO guide. I'm not very far into it, but I like reading what other SEO's suggest and put out as marketing guides. It keeps me on my toes, I guess. This one makes you subscribe to their...