Pricing Plan

Our pricing is set with small business in mind.

Answers to Your Questions

What is an SEO expert?

An individual who studies the search engine algorithm in order to understand best practices and predict future development.

Why SEO?

All businesses who want to gain a precense online need to consider SEO. Sure, you can go without it, but paying for traffic can be a very expensive endeavor and it is only going to get more expensive. Great or even good SEO will work in your best interest long term and allow you to spend a reduced budget on paid options.

Why Us?

With over 20 years of SEO, our clients have seen substantial growth. We work with small business and know the challenges of breaking into a market. We have affordable plans that will help you develop a long-term strategy that is affordable and sustainable.

Website complete, why do I need SEO?

There is no such thing as a completed website. A website is always growing and changing. It’s an outreach of your business.  There is a quote from some business leader, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying” and it’s most definitely true of websites although clearing out non-relevant old content is a good thing as well, so it’s more about evolving than growing.


Immediate Results?

Yes, my competition will guarantee results and make all sort of promises. They will also do things that are less than kosher to work on your site. There are ways to cheat the system and most SEO experts will know those ways. We even have a term “Black Hat SEO” for these sort of options that skirt the rules of best practice. We do not offer those services here, which is why our program is slow and more calculated.