Our Blog

Ramblings about SEO and all things internet. SEO is so easily read about that I don’t need to teach you about it, so this is just my opinions nothing to scientific. I’ve been working in SEO for 20 years though, so you can bear that in mind. I always joke that SEO is like nailing jello to a tree and in truth. I mean it everytime.. no joking to it.

Many Maintenance Emails are Scams

Many Maintenance Emails are Scams

As a business owner we are inundated with weird emails, and one of them that you might get frequently is one that says your website is not updated and you desperately need this service to maintain your business website. Yes, you should be maintaining your business...

Never Beat the Algorithm – Don’t Try

Never Beat the Algorithm – Don’t Try

Here is just a quick post. I've been neglecting this site a bit. It's funny because I'm so busy working on the SEO for my clients that I don't really work on my own site that much. This site is a bit of a novelty for me. I also am Advanced Cross Stitch, that is my...

No Wiki As External Authority Link

No Wiki As External Authority Link

I'm reading some of Diggity Marketing, marketing materials. one of them is an SEO guide. I'm not very far into it, but I like reading what other SEO's suggest and put out as marketing guides. It keeps me on my toes, I guess. This one makes you subscribe to their...

KEI or Keyword Effectiveness Index

KEI or Keyword Effectiveness Index

KEI also the Keyword Effectiveness Index is a generated number. It's like a science, but it's always changing. If you get my keyword research, you will get a giant list of keywords from me and one of the columns is the KEI. It's sort of confusing column because it has...

Don’t believe reviews or testimonials

Don’t believe reviews or testimonials

It's hard to believe. What I'm about to say. I don't believe in gaming the system or trying to be sneaky. In fact, I'm probably the most moral SEO you'll find. I will correct you quickly when you try to do sneaky things like keyword stuffing or adding extra locations...