Here is just a quick post. I’ve been neglecting this site a bit. It’s funny because I’m so busy working on the SEO for my clients that I don’t really work on my own site that much. This site is a bit of a novelty for me. I also am Advanced Cross Stitch, that is my hobby business. I do work there more. It, however, is also one of the last websites that I work on. I absolutely love designing cross stitch patterns though, it’s a different type of strategy in play.

This post is about algorithm though and there are so many people, both agencies and individuals, out there. Who spend their time trying to beat the algorithm. That isn’t the point of SEO though. There are I would bet thousands of different algorithms that are in play when we are working on SEO and so the thought that you can beat them isn’t valid.

You can beat your competition though. That is where the real competition is and what youre competition is doing isn’t a mystery. Websites are a completely neutral fighting arena because you can see what they are doing and they  can see what you are doing. You just have to know how to read it. My reporting service actually will give you great insights on what your competition is doing more successfully than you are. You can go to their page and look at it. If you look at them hard enough, you can figure it out and then do that same technique a little better or even a lot better. I always aim for a lot better for my clients.

That is where the real competition is and that is why with almost every modern algorithm update, my clients are coming out ahead. We’re not trying to beat the search engine, we’ve got a strong eye on the competition in many different directions. That allows us to out perform.

You can do this though. If you have a small budget or no budget, consider getting the reporting. You don’t have to use mine.. you just need to use some sort of reporting. There are free options available, you’ll find them a little more clumsy to analyze than the purchased ones. You’ll look at where you are doing well and where you are struggling and then create content and improve pages to get these low areas improved. This is a continual process and seeing the changes have a positive impact will take a long time. You just keep going at it though and you’ll see the results.