As a business owner we are inundated with weird emails, and one of them that you might get frequently is one that says your website is not updated and you desperately need this service to maintain your business website.

Yes, you should be maintaining your business website so that is true. I offer that service for $360 annually, so to be upfront. I will never ever email you about my service though. Quite frankly I’m too busy, I do almost no outbound marketing. I work off referrals and with agency clients so many of my clients don’t even really know that I’m the one working on their sites because I’m contracted with their agency.

That said… emails like this one are just straight up spam. They may also be scams behind them as well. They may load your site with software that helps to send these very messages. That will allow them to avoid spam folders, get valid servers to send emails is a great tactic.

There was no original message, that can be a first indicator. They create these messages this way to make you think they are more reputable.

None of these issues they are pointing out are true for my site here. I have and maintain everything up to date. I run updates weekly on all my sites, all my client sites, and all their clients’ sites usually too. So, there is almost zero chance that things aren’t really close to current if you have anything to do with me.

Scam Email

This is just a warning. The folks that send these types of emails are exactly the folks you should not be trusting with your business and your website.